This syndrome usually manifests itself before the individual reaches the age of three or four.
As the name suggests, this syndrome manifests itself as diarrhea, although nausea, vomiting and cramps are all common, too.
Many times, this syndrome manifests itself alongside other midline or cranial disorders, but it does not seem to be caused by those disorders.
Two distinct clinical syndromes manifest as an acute condition in children and a chronic condition in adults.
This syndrome can manifest in several different ways from the inability to assign a quantity to Arabic numerals to difficulty with times tables.
Patients are normal at birth and the syndrome manifests during childhood and puberty.
Wilson wrote that the syndrome can manifest itself as "virtually every symptom known to man."
The syndrome manifests as an incurable anatomical condition which is acquired in young birds.
This syndrome frequently manifests as pain when the limb is dependent and/or significant swelling of the whole limb.
The syndrome manifests more frequently in closed fractures of the pelvis or long bones.