This uncommon syndrome involves vertical gaze palsy associated with pupils that "accommodate but do not react."
Some culture-specific syndromes involve somatic symptoms (pain or disturbed function of a body part), while others are purely behavioral.
Myelodysplastic syndromes involve ineffective production of one or more cell lines.
This syndrome often involves prominent mouth breathing as well.
About half of hereditary breast-ovarian cancer syndromes involve unknown genes.
Dejerine-Sottas syndrome involves a more extreme loss of muscle control.
Cushing's syndrome can, however, involve psychosis, including manic behavior.
This new syndrome must involve some aspects of teleportation. . . the power of mind over space.
Guillain-Barre syndrome, known since the early 1800's, involves a sudden attack on the nerves that control movement, both voluntary, like walking, and involuntary, like breathing.
This syndrome can also involve a situation where a diseased family member transmits psychotic symptoms to healthy members of the family.