Other clinical syndromes include brain abscess, peritonitis, and onychomycosis.
Clinical syndromes involved not only a diagnosis according to signs and symptoms, but also included course and outcome.
This syndrome does not include pain and tenderness of the upper costal cartilages such as costochondritis, which is also common.
Cushing's syndrome includes all the causes of increased cortisol leading to the diseased state.
Several X-linked syndromes include retardation as part of the presentation.
Ways to improve this syndrome are agreed upon by experts and include the following suggestions:
The syndrome also may include lymphangitis and painful lymphadenopathy.
Examples of overlap syndromes include mixed connective tissue disease and scleromyositis.
This syndrome includes headache, blurring of vision and confusion, associated with increased intracerebral pressure.
Some culturally bound syndromes, in addition to grisi siknis, include: