My upbringing - regular synagogue attendance, Hebrew classes twice a week, a kosher home - was meant to inoculate me against it, ensuring that I would recoil at the mere mention of the word.
Conservative Judaism formally requires modest dress, although this requirement is often unobserved on a day-to-day basis, but is somewhat more observed with respect to synagogue attendance.
Their daily life was much the same as that followed by Jews in Salad four hundred years before, with frequent synagogue attendance and strict devotion to complex dietary laws.
The school subsequently issued revised admissions criteria based on religious practice including synagogue attendance, formal Jewish education and volunteering.
He also addresses Jewish issues such as synagogue attendance, Bar Mitzvahs, and the ever present alternative to immigrate to Israel.
Jewish leaders nationwide have reported a spike in synagogue attendance and fund-raising - as well as a 46 percent increase in applications for aliyah, with 236 families seeking to immigrate since Jan. 1, up from 162 at this time last year.
Intermarriage rates rose, synagogue attendance dropped, and many Jews stopped practicing Judaism altogether.
Some recite it at night after the 'Arvit service or in the morning before the Shacharit service due to the convenience of synagogue attendance at these times.
Nor was he among those judges who scrutinized baptismal records or circumcisions or the frequency of synagogue attendance of those desperately disclaiming their Jewishness.
That some of the later church fathers only recommended against synagogue attendance makes it improbable that an anti-Christian prayer was a common part of the synagogue liturgy.