The straight-8 was actually built as a symmetrical pair of straight-4 engines joined in the middle at common gear trains for the camshafts and superchargers.
Its leaves grow in symmetrical pairs and are connected to the stem by a thin petiole.
They have arms and legs in tidy symmetrical pairs.
The face has two striking symmetrical pairs of white stripes.
The symmetrical pair occur on either side of the main hull, two decks below the physical joining of the struts.
The windows are situated in symmetrical pairs divided and accentuated by ornamental brick pilasters.
The sets were formed from symmetrical pairs with a motor car at each end, and two kitchen cars serving their respective halves of the train.
When represented as a symmetrical pair the male is on the left and the female on the right.
The leaflets are arranged along the somewhat flattened rachis in matching symmetrical pairs without alteration.
The eye seeks and recognises the singularity of a symmetrical pair.