They built a huge wall around the town, and Jander later learned that every inn was symbolically burned.
However, farmers feared that they were being given seeds that would "threaten local varieties" and an estimated 8,000-12,000 farmers attended a protest of the donation on June 4, 2010 organized by a Haitian farmers' association, the Peasant Movement of Papay, where a small pile of seeds was symbolically burned.
The public square bonfire lighting is now meant for people meet to say goodbye to anything negative, and is symbolically burned in the fire.
The flag of the United States is sometimes symbolically burned, often in protest of the policies of the American government, both within the country and abroad.
Posters of the UN Special Envoy were symbolically burned, with protestors appealing to the UN Secretary General to dismiss Mahiga due to what many felt was the latter's infringement on Somalia's sovereignty through his signing of the Kampala agreement.
Australia compete with England for the Women's Ashes, a cricket bat symbolically burned prior to the 1998 test series.
A further 200 victims of the Revolution of 1848 were later interred in the space; the throne of Charles X was symbolically burned in the square, February 1848.
In 1963 he began a new change in his life and he was symbolically burned by the Nadaists in a bridge in Cali.