"They're left with a symbolic battle."
Franklin and the environmentalists win a symbolic battle but the dumping goes on.
A1 Colombia won a symbolic battle in a war that appears to be lost.
I don't see symbolic battles happening.
The prince does not fight the wicked fairy for Aurora, but neither is the symbolic battle between good and evil given its emphatic traditional symmetry.
Thus the fight over judicial nominations is no symbolic battle.
However, his allies were defeated at the Battle of Bouvines in one of the most decisive and symbolic battles in French history.
The symbolic battle, all those years ago, was to make the world outside its own cabal take jazz seriously.
Rhode Island may be a tiny state, but no place is too small for the Presidential candidates to wage a symbolic battle over education.
The battle begins, and after a symbolic battle, the angel defeats the devil making him collapsing to the ground.