If the complex frequency and all circuit variables are symbolic (fully symbolic analysis), the voltage transmittance is given by (here ):
For characters who really think, who make manifest the complex processes of philosophical or mathematical or symbolic analysis, you need to turn to Richard Powers.
Not all operas appear on the surface to yield deep secrets through symbolic analysis.
I cite only the more plausible parts of Devereux's involved symbolic analysis.
Critics of the project have deemed it oversimplified, arguing that much more study has yet to go into a symbolic analysis of terrorist imagery.
In the abstraction of their forms, both projects revealed the city's transition from industrial production to symbolic analysis, to use Robert Reich's phrase.
Perhaps "symbolic analysis" could be applied to routine jobs, he says, "enabling workers to alter the flow of materials and components in ways that generate new efficiencies."
His early novels belong to the movement of social realism, and focus on class conflict; his later works contain "a more symbolic analysis of class differences".
Except when it comes to hiring campaign strategists, our pols know little about the city of symbolic analysis they govern.
In Infante, c'est destroy, the film-related work approached the realm of symbolic analysis.