Boletus edulis has symbiotic relation with conifers, including pine and fir trees, an mycorrhiza association.
Though the foundation operates independently of United Parcel, there seems to be a symbiotic relation between the two.
Although experimental and theoretical physics are concerned with different aspects of nature, they both share the same goal of understanding it and have a symbiotic relation.
But less symbiotic relations with nature are limiting small-scale communities' access to water and food resources (Nelson 2008).
There isn't much life on this mudball, but what there is lives in symbiotic relation to the spore.
Ecological engineering supports symbiotic relations between different species to serve the needs of humans as well as promoting the health of the ecosystem.
Nevertheless, symbiotic relations exist between different groups: for example the Tucanoans, who are agricultural based, trade with the Nadahup, who are hunter-gatherers.
Ix cannot see that we have any limit, Thomas, though I am not clear as to what our symbiotic relation with regular peo-: ple should be.
The project sustains both a research program and a month-long didactic field school for undergraduates and sees the symbiotic relation between the two as fundamental to its mission.
Certainly opportunistic bacteria take advantage of this stable symbiotic relation which might be the reason for the many different names/distinction in the scientific literature.