She had tasted of death by the sword of the white man, now death was with her in another shape.
Lewis beat aside the sword of the first man to reach him, and opened up his belly with a sideways sweep of his blade.
He caught the sword of the first man on his ax-head and crushed in the wielder's breast with a murderous counterstroke before he could step back or parry.
When he saw Sven cowering beneath my horse he left the chanting priests and ran towards us, stopping only to pick up the sword of the man I had killed.
Blade pulled his sword free of the dead man and used it to cut a branch.
Unconcerned, he saw one of them go down, spitted on the sword of the man who fought afoot.
Parmenion tore his sword clear of the dying man, and bright arterial blood soaked through the green silk.
He gave Goldberg the sword of the man who attacked him.
Whirling, Bohemond tugged his sword free of the man he'd slain.
In the walled confines of the arena we fought in an inextricable mass--howling, cursing, blood-streaked demons; and ever the sword of the young red man flashed beside me.