Theido saw Myrmior's sword flash in the starlight in a shining arc.
The gladiator spun, his sword flash- ing with deadly accuracy, splitting his assailant's skull, cleav- ing it to the neck.
A vivid stab of lightning cut the blackness of the room like a sword flash.
He saw fists flail, saw a sword flash, heard a muffled groan.
The captain whom I had seized began to get the better of me; at least I saw his sword flash above me and thought that all was over.
But she had seen the sword flash into the air and watched the blade as it cut deep.
I saw Llenlleawg's sword flash in the firelight as he matched Arthur stroke for stroke.
I saw Loki's sword flash and Heimdall tumbled from his horse, stabbed through.
He saw the sword flash in his defence, and groaned.
She saw his sword flash, and men went down around him.