Ttomalss' weird eyes swiveled independently as they examined her.
His elegant black nostrils gulped air and his tiny fox ears swiveled independently.
The lights on the front swiveled independently as it tried and failed to illuminate the dragon on its back.
Her four eyes swiveled independently, looking for other flaws.
The hoops looked as though each one could swivel independently of the other two.
They continually scan for predators with eyes that swivel independently.
The eyes, on each side of the exoskeleton, were lumpy protrusions from inside the body, each able to independently swivel in almost any direction.
Each eye has only a narrow field of view, but it can be swivelled independently to scan over a hemisphere.
Each individual wheel can swivel independently from the others to allow it to turn, move sideways or even spin in place.
Their eyes can swivel independently, and it was once believed that they lived on air.