He swiveled about and whistled at the men at the billiard table.
"Nothing is impossible," she said, then swiveled about and marched back toward the city grid and her important work.
He swiveled about, found the door, took a step, lost his balance, recovered, took another.
Jory swiveled about in his chair to stare after Joel.
He swiveled about, casting for a sign of the right direction.
Bobby kept at his console, but Denise swiveled about in her chair and told the others, "This could take a while."
Kovitsky swiveled about in his chair and looked up.
The flexible fifty was swiveling about, seeking him with its smoking black muzzle.
He braked to a halt and swiveled about in the seat for a view of the highway, then spoke again into the microphone.
F'lon swiveled about, his mouth dropping open, and caught the moment of Impression.