As Dante, players can also seamlessly switch fighting styles in mid-combat.
Often in his numbers he'd switch styles from Latin (with Latin rhythm section) to straight jazz (accompanied by drum kit).
He was also noted for his control in the upper register, and for his ability to switch styles easily.
They have to switch styles along with us.
He has a different trainer for each side, and likes to switch styles during a fight.
But its second album is a vertiginous whirlwind tour of the Americas, switching styles and languages as if bilinguality is only the beginning.
At 28, Ms. Sikander already switches media, styles and scales with remarkable ease.
It has also created an orchestra and chorus that learns and retains with speed and can switch styles on a dime.
Also, how can I switch graphic styles when my 360 doesn't have a select button?
Lelli's ability to switch styles smoothly has led to him being a highly sought after musician in New York.