In my suite the lights turned on automatically as 1 paced, the switches activated by my body heat.
The electric switch activated a solenoid that pushed the clutch plates together, thereby engaging the driveshaft to the rear wheels.
A switch will activate a spark gap which will release the stored energy.
The switch activated hardware suspension of instructions execution in the processor.
The switch activated 540 metal halide lights of 1,500 watts each, placed on six banks of 33-foot towers.
The switch activated a vacuum-activated spline clutch that was built into the front axle assembly.
If the trolleybus "coasts" through the switch, the switch will not activate.
The switch by the door had activated a few other lamps in wire cages, but the deluge drowned most of the light.
A switch at the bottom of the tube activated the device and - presto - steroid-free urine ready for testing.
In this case, a switch, located in the heel end of a user's shoe, would activate a stimulator worn by the user.