For another minute the tall figure stood over the sleeping man, then it swished softly away and out into the corridor and the door closed with a click.
Swishing away, he grasped the handle with his right hand.
She heard two gunshots and the blackness swished away.
A slightly precious young man came and took their order, swished away, and was back almost im- mediately with the drinks.
In the afternoons he swished away in the violet Bentley---to Bournemouth, it seemed, where he had "business."
The corner of a robe, swishing silently away, or maybe a flickering triangle of moonlight.
And she swished pantslessly away.
A cascade of sand swished away to silence.
He watched her trim buttocks swish away.
Centaurs do not have to have such pretty tails, so useful for swishing away flies.