Gottex has become known for the wide range of its cover-ups, and now many other swimsuit designers are including cover-ups in their collections.
Anne Cole, the California-based swimsuit designer, admits that there are "worse things in life than fitting rooms - I just can't think of what they are."
And he unexpectedly falls in love with a swimsuit designer named Nell who has little tolerance for politics or the life of a politician.
Mr. Duke, a former swimsuit designer from Los Angeles (he still does freelance design for the Gottex Viewpoint line), hasn't quite happened yet either.
Ms. Bruce started as a swimsuit designer, which may explain the sleek fabric of her dresses.
The inventor of Rubic's Cube had nothing on some of these swimsuit designers.
Lesley Devrouax, a swimsuit designer in Washington, remembers playing therapist to a brokenhearted bartender, just dumped by his girlfriend.
Since sunning no longer has priority, at least not for every woman all of the time, swimsuit designers have more flexibility.
In 1978, Tony Farmer was a swimsuit designer and manufacturer who owned a business called "Daring Designs".
Sade Lythcott, 26, a swimsuit designer and one of the evening's promoters, explained her disdain for the omnipresent attendant.