They tend to be an upper-level fish, often swimming directly below the surface of the water.
Immediately, there was a stirring from the far shore, and two crocodiles slithered into the river, swimming directly for him.
He stared through the shimmering water, and the creature turned and swam directly toward him.
And remember that you swim directly over the black line on the bottom, not between two lines.
He swam directly over it and lay motionless on the surface looking down.
He had fought that current, swimming directly against it, and it had nearly killed him.
Its business model is to swim directly against the globalization current.
His wife swam lazily out of it directly into deep kelp.
Rather than trying to swim directly across the current, he tried to cut it at an angle.
After enough practice, a capable rat or mouse can swim directly from any release point to the platform.