In the wound, she swiftly rotated her wrist in a gesture like someone washing the inside of a cup, and pulled her hand back out.
In this swiftly rotating sequence of emotions and events, the machinery of martyrdom gets into gear quickly.
During this movement, your hips should swiftly rotate clockwise to add power.
He got the feeling that his brain was beginning to swiftly rotate.
"I love that I can arrange and rearrange the space in a cinematic way," Mr. Varone said, as three offstage dancers swiftly rotated a wall.
Then the surface of the frozen little world seemed to rotate swiftly and a dome appeared.
Her purity in a self-absorbed solo is followed by his concentration in a solo in which he stands rooted, swiftly rotating his head and shoulders.
Their four-flippered swimming adaptation may have given them exceptional maneuverability, so that they could swiftly rotate their bodies as an aid to catching prey.
Wedderburn, A.A.I. (1967) Social factors in swiftly rotating shifts.
The girls hold each other's hand crosswise and rotate swiftly on their toes.