However, he had swiftly rejected the idea; they were beyond the point of no return.
But it was swiftly rejected by northern leaders as "nothing new."
European officials swiftly rejected the demand, calling it a violation of the deal.
He made a tentative suggestion along this line, but it was swiftly rejected.
The Mayor swiftly rejected the proposal, calling it a "mistake for the economy of the city."
He made a similar assertion shortly before the start of the gulf war, but the allies against Iraq swiftly rejected his ideas.
They had considered an Antarctic site, but had swiftly rejected that idea.
The administration swiftly rejected the request, which would mean breaking a 10-year-old global agreement to end the quotas on Jan. 1, 2005.
But top executives of Media General swiftly rejected the offer at the company's annual shareholders meeting here.
When Quisling tried to introduce the bill directly, it was swiftly rejected, and the party went into decline.