All but the dullest students will swiftly realize that the body does not confine thoughts.
Mitch swiftly realized what was required, clasped her hand, braced himself to rise to the occasion.
Kirk read the numbers on the displays, swiftly realized what they meant, then looked out through the forward viewports, just to starboard.
Charities swiftly realised the power of radio to touch a large audience.
As for the commodity being sold, that, Joseph swiftly realized, was himself.
To celebrate she goes to Jay's apartment but swiftly realizes that he was visited by a prostitute immediately before her arrival.
Robyn placed her hand over his, lifting it away, realising swiftly that he was more than a little drunk.
Now, Fabia swiftly realised, was the time to back away.
Kaede swiftly realized he could tell her much of what she needed to know.
She swiftly realized that in her present state of mind it was impossible to be objective about her husband.