The expedition was a success and Alfonso's forces swiftly occupied Mérida.
In its aftermath, Burgundy swiftly occupied Paris, declaring himself regent of the King, forcing the Dauphin, Charles to flee to the South.
After the capitulation of Italian forces on 8 September 1943, German troops swiftly occupied Albania with two divisions.
Under the leadership of Markos Vafiadis, the DSE swiftly occupied a large swathe of land along Greece's northern border with Albania and Yugoslavia.
The Romanian troops swiftly occupied the region, with little armed resistance from the Ukrainians, and installed martial law.
The captured of Aziz ended resistance and allowed 2,000 RUSI troops to swiftly occupy Makassar by April 21.
The Singapore Grip is satirical book about events following Japan's entry into the Second World War by invading South East Asia and swiftly occupying Singapore.
On Aug. 2, 1990, his army swiftly occupied the tiny, immensely wealthy emirate, provoking an international crisis.