His initial alarm was ebbing swiftly.
Their last strength of mind and body was swiftly ebbing.
A tide of ink was swiftly ebbing from the Sea of Thirst, as the fierce light of dawn swept back the darkness.
I could but look my sympathy, but he, though the life was ebbing swiftly out of him, still kept his duty before him, like the gallant gentleman he was.
The man's voice trailed off; his vital signs ebbed swiftly.
Dusk was ebbing swiftly into darkness, and the figures swirling about him were becoming indistinct, vague of outline.
The strength that the woman's touch had given him was ebbing swiftly and sun or no sun it was chilly to be standing naked in the garden.
Now even weak anger was ebbing swiftly, could not be called anger any longer.
With a last dying spasm, almost as violent as the first, the current swiftly ebbed away.
Caliban Driller's life ebbed swiftly.