The United Nations swiftly condemned the action as a flagrant violation of international law.
While Pakistanis swiftly condemned the terrorists' tactics, they said they saw Iraq as an American problem, not a Pakistani one.
The principal separatist group in Kashmir, the province at the heart of a longstanding territorial dispute between the two countries, swiftly condemned the attack.
After the tape's emergence, President Boris Tadic and Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica of Serbia swiftly condemned the killings.
The state's political leaders swiftly condemned the federal government's decision to recognize a fourth tribe and vowed to appeal.
'To steal something of sentimental value shows a total lack of common decency and sensitivity,' he condemned swiftly, eyes chilling.
Also according to Lecca's reports, Antonescu was unaware of the pogrom as it happened, and that swiftly condemned it as it became news.
The Soviet Union swiftly condemned the invasion, saying it was a blow to growing warmth in US-Soviet relations.
Western governments swiftly condemned the brutality and threatened to block economic assistance to Romania.
Politicians, immediately sensitive to the impact of the bombing, swiftly condemned it, eulogized the structure and promised to rebuild it.