A swift strike, like a hawk plummeting at a hare, and the great city will be ours.
To Liprandi and his generals it seemed a swift strike against the redoubts was certain of success.
Following the swift strike, Austin again pounced forward toward the crook.
But she makes just enough swift surgical strikes against her former husband to create an unflattering portrait.
All it would take was a quick leap onto the window sill and a swift strike at the unsuspecting badger.
And Tobo is too soft of heart to employ his supernatural friends in a swift educational strike.
The swift strike has the advantage of speed and surprise.
They attack with their arms in swift strikes.
Jake darted to his right, away from the first blindingly swift strikes and toward the scabbards on the wall.
Here it is often vital for the player with the bishops to prevent a swift strike by the better-developed opponent.