No one expected so swift a shift.
Another violent transition can be avoided by planning now for an orderly and swift shift to democratic rule.
Also after the war, an even swifter economic shift came about in Oberbrombach.
With subtle, swift shifts of his knees and shoulders, he manipulated the board, so that he always stayed just ahead of the breaking wave.
As he met Harkland at the door, Cranston saw a sneaking figure across the street; knew from the man's swift shifts that Anjou de Bianco was watching developments here.
The New York Times editorialized that her "swift shift from regulator to lobbyist for the regulated will only add to Americans' cynicism about their government."
Kurosawa let Mifune's oaken arms say as much about his ruined amoral samurai in "Sanjuro" (Aug. 27-29) as the actor's murderously swift shifts of facial expression did.
The television announcers talked glowingly of Leetch's almost extrasensory knack for the game and its subtle but swift shifts of action.
What one cannot understand literally, one can sense emotionally in the visceral ferocity of the movement he favors: sudden swift shifts of weight and direction by dancers, usually bare-legged, who fling themselves about with centrifugal force.
In a stark and swift shift, Americans now seem more interested in pleasant carlike manners than in off-road rambles.