The spectacle of that swift pursuit and capture roused in him the hunting impulses of the normal dog.
The moment their hands relaxed, The Shadow wrested free and became their leader in a swift pursuit.
It spurred The Shadow to swift pursuit of the fleeing thug.
His own canoe was in swift pursuit of the others as they darted beyond the bend.
The Camerons were in swift pursuit and a second engagement took place, with similar results as the first.
Turning that direction, The Shadow wheeled out from the house wall to gain a better angle for a swift pursuit.
When there was no swift pursuit they brightened a little, but the house was a place of mourning and dread.
Here he was, collared like a dog, chained up, locked behind bars, subject to swift detection and swifter pursuit.
The Shadow, the victor, was undertaking swift pursuit.
Jacinta, riding beside him, was thrilled by the swift pursuit.