Lone jabs of the opposing fighter that miss are often met with swift jabs or quick combinations.
It came in the form of three swift jabs - sharp tongues of flame that represented gunshots.
His comment earned him a swift jab from Nuella.
Yar cut off the shrill sound with a swift jab at her communications console.
Guggenheim, narrating, then aims a swift jab at the movie's likely audience of upper-middle-class Americans.
Captain Future parried the blow by a swift jab of his own dielectric blade.
The miniature representation of my father was in a gym, dealing swift jabs to a hovering punch-bag.
A swift shallow jab at his back when he hesitated at the camp's edge restored a little of his earlier dislike.
Lahiri shows that people may be felled at any time by swift jabs of chance, wherever they happen to live.
That means the swift jab used by Foreman, who sometimes is ponderous, should score often against Qawi.