Adults are swift flyers and visit flowers after dusk.
According to Döderlein Anurognathus was, with its long wings, a swift flyer, surprising its prey, similar to the modern nightjar.
Because of their smaller size, the white dragons were the swiftest flyers of all dragonkind.
This was a game that Darian had seen before, especially between two very agile, swift flyers.
Many are particularly swift flyers.
It would take Grandfather Tamor, swift flyer, to lift me up where I could see.
But birds are in general at the opposite pole to flying insects as regards their feathers, but especially the swiftest flyers among them.
Cap'n Bill knew something of mechanics, and observing the propeller- like tail of the Ork he said: "I s'pose you're a pretty swift flyer?"
They were swift and agile flyers, and no one bird had much in the way of meat.
Perhaps not, and yet I have had a hawk from Barbary as good a footer and a swifter flyer.