Atkill lowered his ship in a swift dive, then turned abruptly and landed like a feather just beside the cradle.
Lower and lower sagged the bow until it became necessary to stop the engine to prevent our flight terminating in a swift dive to the ground.
A swift dive sent him sliding along the slippery catwalk on his stomach.
The guide had made a swift dive from within the cabin, to down The Shadow's agent with an unexpected attack.
Larry Waldo had darted across the black lawn and made a swift dive behind a clump of bushes.
Memories of hunting: the swift dive of a bird on the wind, the warm taste of mouse.
The nose of the machine dropped and the plane repeated a long, swift dive.
That prospect, however, was not the reason why The Shadow made a swift dive for the stairway.
A small venturesome kittiwake who had just arrived on the scene took a swift dive at Martin.
Only by a long, swift dive did The Shadow escape the fiery debris.