The swift arrival of the choi remotes from Hub saved those on the Cardinal Deoli's terrace from death by a matter of seconds.
In face of this terror - unreal in its swift arrival, real in its present menace Randham sought to save his cowardly hide.
The first token of The Shadow's swift arrival was the clang of the grounded elevator when its door went shut.
The angry shout produced more than the swift arrival of Lanzecki.
Despite a valiant fight, Fëanor was mortally wounded and would have been captured and taken to Angband had it not been for the swift arrival of his sons.
Last season, Bochy admired the 6-foot-4-inch, 200-pound Brown from a distance, since he was the star hurler of the Florida Marlins and was instrumental in their swift arrival in the World Series.
Their swift arrival virtually insured that most of the apartments would be saved.
The way she said this (and repeated it) made him think she meant this literally; that she'd been praying for his safe and swift arrival.
Yes, it was brighter there already with the swift arrival of the tropical dawn.
We hope that the Green Paper, which will arrive shortly in committee, is the prelude to the swift arrival in plenary of the White Paper.