Rachid doesn't use his sweet, gospel-inflected tenor for rhythm-and-blues love songs.
"Teresa says you've got to eat," he announced in a high, sweet tenor as he set the tray on Dan's desk.
George asked, in his surprisingly high, sweet tenor.
He began singing, softly, in a sweet tenor so high it verged on falsetto.
Stopping just inside the garden, she listened as his voice, a strong, sweet tenor, drifted through the night quiet and disappeared.
His sweet melodic tenor is immortalized on Victor, Columbia, and Edison recordings, mostly from 1917 through 1927.
He sang softly, in a clear, sweet tenor.
His singing ranged from robust baritone to a high sweet tenor often in the same song.
He answered with a single short sentence; his voice was tenor, sweet and self-assured.
Steven Tharp sang Jonathan with a sweet tenor but hardly the power of the piece's most torn and tragic figure.