The Long Island shore dinner marries firm, sweet broiled scallops, shrimp and sole with a delicate lemon sauce.
A little smaller than a penny, they are the sweetest - and most expensive - scallops on the market.
For a $4 supplement comes another excellent starter, small, sweet scallops, cross-sectioned and sauteed with a little pile of caramelized endive.
Local asparagus shared a plate with seared scallops, beautifully fresh and sweet and tender.
Quite a few offerings paired inherently sweet scallops with another fish.
Rice creole is a nice counterbalance to the sweet scallops and sweet peas.
The taste of the flight muscles is often compared to sweet scallops or shrimp.
Underneath it all was an unadvertised surprise: ethereally sweet sliced scallops.
His hands hovered over the fish in the case, selecting Japanese red snapper, crisp giant clam, small sweet scallops.
The Madeira cream sauce appears again on a dish of pappardelle with well-caramelized sweet scallops.