He was obsessed with the thought of her sweet mystery enfolding him snugly and warmly.
How a voice as huge as hers can rise with such delicacy and clarity will remain one of life's sweeter mysteries.
When they're not rehearsing or performing, these kids are addressing the sweet mystery of life that unfolds wherever you find a lake and some canoes.
She looked up at him and again was snared by the sweet mystery that lay in the depths of his dark eyes.
The sweet mystery of his body entwined with hers came back to her in a bittersweet rush.
"Ahh, sweet mystery of life at last I've found you," Fats blasted.
AH, sweet mystery of life, at last I found thee - inside a bottle.
Heidi opened one of the Magazines, but - ah, sweet mystery of life!
It is supposed to be about the re-invigoration of a marriage and the sweet mystery of love, but there are no sighs.