Tachibana has a sweet demeanor when he's not fighting, but when conflict arises he becomes stern and professional.
Despite his sweet demeanor, he comes off as a man of powerful presence, with eyes that seem to reflect an inner reverie.
Tunko, known for her hesitant, but sweet, demeanor, followed daintily.
"That's right," Theriault said, her sweet demeanor replaced by righteous anger.
She is the only girl stuffed animal and has a sweet demeanor.
Swift chose Colletti primarily because of his sweet and endearing demeanor.
It has been said that his sweet demeanor makes a majority of first time clients more at ease and less nervous.
His sweet demeanor masks some, though hardly all, of his inexperience as an actor.
Her sweet demeanor had drastically shifted.
Gomez recalled Regan as having "a very sweet demeanor, and I really didn't look forward to having to debate her" throughout a second election.