Why did I not spend these sweet days of liberty with her?
A city getting tougher to live in by the minute is also getting sweeter every day.
There was the dear master of the sweet days in the Shire.
How many infants were born each day, innocent, boundless, sweet, only to be ruined by the very people who had given them life?
Never will I forget these sweet days, nor the hours of delight in your company!
But after an off-season soured by so many departures, the Jets finally had two sweet days.
An especially sweet day for him was Oct. 21.
That sweetest day came on the opening game of my second season at Macalester.
A hot day, the air as still and heavy as water in a quiet pool, sweet with the fragrance of jasmine.
A plan for the last sweet days before it's back to the office, and the backpack gets heavy with homework: Slather on sunscreen.