"Unlike the fake stuff, those snacks will help alleviate your sweet cravings overall," Lippert says.
Got a sweet and salty craving?
Such a condition, rebound hypoglycemia, causes sweet cravings (which just starts the high-insulin cycle all over again).
But if you can satisfy sweet cravings with the natural sugars found in nutrient-dense fresh and dried fruits, then you've taken a big step in a more healthful direction.
Most importantly, they satisfy a sweet craving without leaving me standing in front of the vending machine an hour later.
This has helped be eat right by not having the sweet cravings.
"But we're finding that instead of reaching for something with sugar, they reach for a fruit gum to satisfy a sweet craving."
She would go from eating little and missing meals to eating heavily at times when she experienced her sweet cravings.
However, in view of the low toxicity of chromium, when suffering with sugar cravings it may be worth trying chromium supplements as a way of overcoming the sweet cravings.
If you want to encourage wholesome snacks, don't sit down to a bag of chips and dip, munch on cookies or assuage your sweet cravings with candy.