He knew, with sweet anticipation and awful dread, that one day soon they would be ready to share a bed.
He pulled it in front of him and stared at it for a while, letting sweet anticipation build.
Instead, the writers are standing by while the forces of marketing and promotion whip up a state of sweet and highly rated anticipation.
Consequently, Micky wasn't able to identify a reason for this almost sweet anticipation.
He took pleasure in the sweet anticipation of good things to come.
The interludes were rather too long, but the audience endured them each time with sweet anticipation of the treat to follow.
Kate held her finger above the padd's delete control, hesitated for just a moment of sweet anticipation, then pressed it.
Her tongue came out to moisten her lips as if in anticipation of something darkly sweet and strictly forbidden.
He had plenty of time to prepare for their encounter, time to savor the sweet anticipation.
Leland savored the sweet anticipation of the blistering pain to come.