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But Mr. Bush did not move to lift the more sweeping and long-term restrictions on trade with Moscow that are now in effect.
But it also imposed sweeping restrictions on the marketing of those products and on which banking companies would be eligible to enter the new businesses.
The Canadian Government announced plans today for sweeping new restrictions on smoking, including a ban on tobacco advertising by Jan. 1, 1989.
The original majority was convinced that the sweeping restriction of sec.
In several major terrorism trials, judges have imposed sweeping restrictions on testimony so that it becomes public only after verdicts are announced.
A majority of the senators said they were unwilling to enact sweeping restrictions on cloning experimentation because of its potential value to medicine.
But sweeping restrictions that affect entire parties, organizations or philosophies cast too broad a net.
And to the deep frustration of a political class prohibited from organizing, American diplomats counseled forbearance over sweeping restrictions.
In one of the more sweeping restrictions, men under 35 from the northern West Bank are generally not allowed to leave the area.
He is best known as one of the sponsors of a law enacted two years ago that produced sweeping restrictions on smoking in public places.