Beyond such measures, lawmakers are stitching together a sweeping package of other education, insurance, medical, pension, housing and economic benefits.
Under this strategy, the successor would come forward with a sweeping package of changes to reduce the role of money in politics.
Chief among them is a sweeping antidrug package that reflects the desire of both parties to show their mettle in the war on drugs.
Congress created Mr. Godwin's office last year as part of a sweeping package of legislation reorganizing the Pentagon.
Saudi Arabia rescinded a sweeping package of income taxes on foreigners today following protests from foreign workers and Saudi businessmen.
The sweeping package intended to modernize the banking industry would lift regulations that have been in place since the Depression.
A sweeping package of income taxes on foreigners was rescinded after protests from foreign workers and Saudi businessmen.
It has the most sweeping anti-corruption package of any current proposal.
The program was expected to accommodate only 250,000 aliens when Congress enacted it as a politically critical part of a sweeping package of changes in immigration law.
Mr. McGreevey has said he favors enacting a sweeping package of new ethics guidelines that will regulate legislators, lobbyists, campaign donors and local officials.