The ruling today may not have a sweeping effect nationwide, since many states already meet the standard set by the Court.
The really broad sweeping effect may not be felt for 10 years.
The district court, applying its own interpretation of the amendment's sweeping effect, declared it unconstitutional in 1990.
The results of the study will have no sudden, sweeping effect.
The movement could have a sweeping effect on how and where white-collar work is done in the future.
The document, should its proposals become law, would have sweeping effects on the development of the British publishing and broadcasting industries.
Flange is a lot like phaser, but with more of a sweeping effect.
In fact, the bill is drafted broadly and has sweeping anti-environment effects.
The bay's troubles are having sweeping effects along the coast.
How would I create instant and true educational reform that would have a sweeping effect on our schools?