This form includes the same sweeping action found in the nami-gaeshi (returning wave) technique of Naihanchi.
The Shadow, both hands in sweeping action, was actually equalizing the struggle.
This sweeping action melts the ice, enabling the rock to slide further and to continue curling in the desired direction.
A more sweeping action by the Justice Department in 1988 sought to oust the leadership of the 1.7-million-member teamsters international.
It comes up very nice if you get a nice sweeping action with the stone, and I was thinking here would be a good place, you see?
But the current campaign debate on the issue, they say, is setting a course for more sweeping action in the next Congress.
This could imply that if the agent of this sweeping action is a planet, it is probably full grown.
Turn, arc sword in a sweeping action to clear the first circle of personal safety.
Kirk's leg shot out in a circular sweeping action and pulled the Klingon's legs out from under him.
With sweeping action, he unbarred the door, opened it and stepped into a square, windowless room that was illuminated by a single light.