Now, in less than three days- He sighed, and rubbed the back of his sweaty neck with his hand.
The necktie that envelops your sweaty neck like a noose.
He took its head in his hands, while straddling its sweaty black neck, and kissed the beast.
She laid hand to the hot, sweaty neck, then began to stroke it gently, still singing.
I'd rather be carrying one of those tiny, battery-operated fans than having a thick camera strap bite into my sweaty neck.
The first Chinese was the most difficult one, the merchant with the fat, sweaty neck.
Garion could feel it brushing across the back of his sweaty neck as he rowed.
I said, stroking his sweaty neck and gentling him out of his fright.
I twisted my hair into a knot to try and get it off my sweaty neck.
She dismounted, then threw her arms about the horse's sweaty neck, giving him an affectionate hug.