Will the debate about sweatshop conditions move beyond the specifics of monitoring and toward establishing the right to organize?
Investigations revealed that the women had been working under the most appalling sweatshop conditions.
In the years that followed, millions of workers organized and lifted themselves out of sweatshop conditions.
At least 500,000 are child laborers, Chinese surveys have shown; many work in sweatshop conditions.
A number of companies have been embarrassed recently by reports of sweatshop conditions at such plants.
One hundred and forty-six people, mostly women and young girls working in sweatshop conditions, died.
I became involved in informing my peers about the labor-standards issue after seeing a broadcast on sweatshop conditions.
It encouraged workers in the industry to take action to improve their conditions, brought public attention to the sweatshop conditions.
At first she sets the tailors to work under sweatshop conditions.
As we approach the 21st century, a long-overdue goal would be to take us out of 19th-century sweatshop conditions.