Looking at him as he shrugged out of his sweat-stained shirt, it was impossible to convince herself that this coming winter would be his sixty-first.
A man in khaki trousers and a sweat-stained gray knit shirt waved for his attention.
His face was dark with stubble, and he wore a flak jacket over a grimy, sweat-stained shirt.
She had now disappeared to be replaced by a man of sixty or so, wearing half a week's growth of mottled beard and a sweat-stained shirt.
The guard was a beefy guy in a sweat-stained shirt and trousers.
Peabody unbuttoned his suit jacket, revealing a badly sweat-stained shirt.
Pre-treat heavily sweat-stained shirts with a mixture of equal parts water, dish washing soap, and ammonia.
A short, overweight taxidriver was standing behind them in a sweat-stained tropical shirt.
Father D'Ambrizzi had managed to pry a hundred thousand dollars from the grubby little man in the sweat-stained shirt.
The chauffeur was a little runt in breeches and leggings and a sweat-stained shirt.