After an hour Cormac began to sweat heavily and his fear rose.
Sweating heavily in the still air, the first officer watched as yet another body was pulled out from under the rubble of a collapsed building.
She studied the blips, starting to sweat heavily in the extremely hot, dry air.
He also suggests spraying an antiperspirant on areas like feet that are likely to sweat heavily during exercise.
The spring sun beat against Phillipe's back, making him sweat heavily.
The morning sun was bright, and it was already warm enough to cause the students to sweat heavily.
The heat was oppressive and the questors began to sweat heavily in their winter clothes.
You may need more water if you exercise or sweat heavily.
Something was crawling on Jack's neck; the door had completely vanished; he began to sweat heavily.
She'd begun to sweat heavily and her back was stinging.