Moffat's involvement in the American show has now been mostly limited to swapping phone calls and e-mail messages with Sutton.
We had a national phone conversation among machines, and their only message was that their owners were losing their power to swap messages.
They met not on street corners, but via computer bulletin boards used to swap messages and programs.
Several Web sites for children focus on helping them find an electronic pen pal, called a "key pal" in Web jargon, with whom they can swap electronic messages.
Those who are watching the same channel can swap messages with each other and with the channel's creator, even if he or she is silently stalking wild animals.
They made friends, shared meals, swapped e-mail messages and then filed daily reports with the department's Intelligence Division.
Still the first I used the internet though, before that you dialup and I think was usenet (the BBS's would swap messages between each other, also via dialup).
Larger private developments, in addition to organizing formal events in the community, might even maintain a Web site to keep property owners updated on events and allow them to swap messages on chat boards.
Invented in the late 60's to let arms engineers, scientists and Pentagon underwriters swap files and messages, the network gradually developed over a few decades.
Ob, we'll swap messages with it, no doubt.