They shivered in the early morning chill, stamping their feet and swapping gossip and rumor, most of it invented by themselves.
Two of the nursing staff were up there already, sharing a bag of hot canka nuts and swapping gossip.
The fear is that a nationwide network of police computers could swap unsubstantiated gossip and suspicion about individuals.
She imagined them swapping gossip, laughing; it would have been easy to go forward and join them, or invite them back.
"Would I sit here swapping gossip if I had?"
But, more important, the diner was the place where they swapped gossip, politics and the minutiae of their daily lives.
Me and the girls swapping gossip in the mud.
Before the comment she and her friends had been swapping gossip about the decadent life-styles of the Aspen, Colorado, rich and famous.
He would have swapped local gossip with them and given apples to their children, and grown old, well-loved and quietly prosperous.
They swap gossip, tax tips, Ziploc bags of pipe tobacco.