He blinked a few times more, swallowed loudly enough to be heard two tables away, then went for it.
From the cot, which was right up against the bed, Tom murmured in his sleep and swallowed loudly.
Waxie opened his mouth to respond, then closed it again swallowing loudly.
I swallowed loudly and turned to look at my master.
Popping something in his mouth, he chewed and swallowed loudly.
The messenger swallowed loudly when she referred the question to him.
He swallowed loudly and wiped his hand over his mouth.
She swallowed loudly, then suddenly he felt a tug at the back of his pants, and realized she had taken the third gun.
On my other side, the tall man in the retro-tuxedo swallowed loudly for the millionth time.
He swallowed loudly and said no more.