But behind the confidence and swaggering air, the voice carries a chill of loneliness.
Fine- looking young men, most of them, with the unmistakable swaggering air of the conqueror about their whole attitude towards the subject race.
As the eleventh hour struck, he entered with a swaggering air, attended by two of the most dissolute and reckless of his boon companions.
I will not be taken in by your bravado or your swaggering airs simply because you know how to wield a dagger and shoot a pistol.
All these semblances of respectability had been secured by the use of gold napoleons and a swaggering air, plus complete disregard of the literal truth.
There was a swaggering air of self-importance about the children.
He was dressed in the ordinary Andalusian costume, but had a huge sabre tucked under his arm, wore large moustaches, and had something of a lofty swaggering air.
It was a black bearded man called Aoz Roon, whom the boy greatly admired for his swaggering air.
Its splendour suited his swaggering air to perfection: its fine black cloth, delicate lace and rich silk sash set off to perfection his well-proportioned massive figure.
Ms. Norman carries herself with the confident, almost swaggering air of a champion, and her performances have about them that sense of athletic accomplishment.